fredag 5. oktober 2007

First few days in the big city

One word, Huge! Mexico City is enormous. You can`t really appreciate the size until you see it from the air. Situated in what is now a valley which used to be a lake before the spanish drained it, MC is home to between 20 and 25 million people. Nobody knows for sure how many. The largest poor suburb is home to about 2 million alone, and is a landscape of wall to wall concrete housing, most situated far up the slope of surrounding mountains. Dotted inbetween the countless grey "buildings" are a few painted ones, apparently only a few can afford to paint their home.
"A small part of the city."

The central part of the city is actually very nice, much nicer than i imagined it. The infamous traffic isn`t so bad as i thought it would be, and the pollution is tolerable even though it certainly blocks the view of much of the city. There are many museums to visit and countless colonial style buildings. Unfortunately, since the water table is constantly being drained, the city is sinking slowly but surely. Many of the older buildings are sloping, and on the street i live , the roofs look like a rollercoaster.

"The former headquarters of the Spanish Inquisition (que Monty Python:)"

"Church of Guadalupe. To the left they are selling plots for the graveyard being built next door. If you cant afford to pay cash, you can always pay in easy installments of 12 or 25 months. Gotta love the catholic church...

"A building covered with murials"


Yesterday i visited perhaps the most famous sight around MC, Teotihuacan. The City of the Gods is an ancient city which was built during the last half of the first millennium. The original name of the city has been lost, but it was later inhabited by the Aztecs who gave it its current name. Nobody really knows who the original inhabitants were or why they abandoned their city, which gives it an air of mystery. Today we can only see about 10% of the original city which probably housed over 150.000 people at its heyday. Most of it has been reconstructed, and gives us only a taste of what it once must have looked like. Originally all surfaces were covered with a white type of plaster which was then painted in magnificent natural colours. A few places we can still see some of the blues and reds in the murals, but most of it is unfortunately lost.

"Me on top of the Pyramid of the Moon. It represents the female aspect of the duality.
You can see the avenue of the dead going
past the Pyramid of the Sun."

"Here i am again, on top of the Pyramid of
the Sun. It represents the male aspect of
the duality. You can see the Pyramid of the
Moon in the background."

7 kommentarer:

becs sa...

Hey Rune!!! Wow, you are on your trip! So glad you sent me the link, now I can read along and feel like I am not sitting at my desk working!!! Have a great time, and tell me all the good stuff!- Rebecca

Unknown sa...

"The former headquarters of the Spanish Inquisition (que Monty Python:)"

-"Its only a model!"

I just could not hold it inside. Sorry... :-)


Qverk sa...

Hei onkel reisende Mac .
Vi lurer på om du har drukket noe skikkelig tequila enda. Og venter spent på bildene fra denne testingen. Ellers vil vi gjerne se noen som gofler i seg habaneros ;) . Bloggen er meget bra og vi gleder oss til neste innlegg, burde du ikke ha på deg en skikkelig sombrero ? og noen degos briller?
Beste hilsner Mario og Cecilie + resten av familien

LENE sa...

Hei Rune!Ute og reiser?Så spennende da :)!Mexico City ja,høres skikkelig kult ut!Hvor lenge er du ute og reiser da?Koz deg!Klem fra Lene

Kalise sa...

Nå angrer jeg nesten litt på at jeg ikke ble med. Ser godt og varmt ut.

Rune sa...

Rebecca : Ill try my best to keep out all the bad stuff, like the rainy cold weather today or the 13 hour bustrip im taking in a few hours:)

Eivind : I was actually thinking of the sketches with the spanish inquisition, but the model comment is gold:)

Mario : Jeg har testet tre forskjellige typer tequila, men det er ikke min drikk. Det er interessant at naar jeg drar halvveis rundt kloden til en av de mest historierike omraadene i verden saa vil du ha bilder av en som spiser is;) Hvis du noen gang ser meg i en sombrero, saa kan jeg garantere at jeg ikke er edru:)

Lene : Hyggelig aa hoere fra deg igjen. Jeg blir borte i seks maaneder, dvs. jeg er hjemme i April. Jeg begynner nesten aa tro at jeg har vaert litt optimistisk paa tiden, saann som det ser ut naa skal det godt gjoeres aa faa med seg alt jeg vil se paa den tida...

Karen : Kan troeste deg med at det er kaldt om natta og at det regner en del innimellom:) Naa er jeg i fjellene da, saa det blir forhaapentligvis bedre naar jeg kommer til Cancun. Med mindre en tropisk storm treffer da, det er jo midt i sesongen saa vidt jeg har forstaatt. Du boer definitivt ta deg en tur hitover, det er bare hyggelige mennesker og flotte ting aa se:)

Kalise sa...

Godt å høre at du ikke er tatt av flommen. En av mine nye kollegaer mente jeg burde reise ned til deg og reise sammen med deg en stund. Men tror jeg hadde slitt litt med alle trappene da...hehe. Og hvis jeg nå får meg ny jobb om noen uker, er det vel ingen smart greie å reise en tur til Sør-Amerika med en gang? Men det høres ut som om du har det ufattelig bra og spennende.